Business Transformation Coach
- Business Transformation Coach need to acquire certain type of skills to be able to help various parts of organization to transform.
- Transformation of a organization is based on external and internal practitioner working in tandem to guide organization and people within to respond to market needs faster.
- Practitioner play very important role since they know the organization and know the people inside the organization.
Module 1 : Foundations
Explore and understands basics of the Role.
- What is the Role of Business Transformation Coach?
- Understanding the various facets of the Role.
- Effective communication
- Engagement models for Business Transformation Coach
Module 2 : Understanding Organization
How will you know where to start with an organization? Do you start with management? do you start one department or other?
Learning Objectives:
- Discovery of an Organization.
- Finding patterns in an Organization.
- Facilitation during discovery phase
- Knowledge manegement techniques
- Expectations Management.
Module 3 : Design and Plan
While Designing the business transformation you ought to align with other initiaves.
- Organisational change while designing and planning the business transformation
- Various methods/ frameworks useful for the facets of role.
- Solution focus approach for viable system.
Module 4 : Execute
- Large scale change vs pilot, when to and how to use different strategies.
- Making strategies impletable.
- Iterative execution of the transformation.
- Pivoting strategies for transformation.
Module 5 : Combine
Combine all the learnings and apply them,
- How to measure various aspects of transformation.
- Standardisation strategies for parts of transformation.
- Sustaining the pace.
- Communication and visibility strategies.
All modules will be presential in beautiful settings of Castelldefels, Barcelona.
Group work between modules will be happening with a collaborative community platform.
Deep Learning
All modules will have case studies and exercises to practice the learnings. Along with group work between modules to explore the learning further.
Facilitated by experienced facilitators, who are consulting and coaching various large and complex organisations across globe.